The best outdoor tiles for patios and doorsteps

The best outdoor tiles for patios and doorsteps

After the winter, you may notice that your outdoor space is looking a bit… well, worse for wear. If this is the case, a great way to bring it back to life for the summer (and for many years to come) is with some outdoor tiles. Not only do they look fantastic, but they also provide a functional space in your garden for gatherings, parties and playtime. 

With a huge range of outdoor tiles available, you can infuse your garden with your personality and create a truly unique space that you will love spending time in.

What are the best tiles for my patio and doorsteps?

Image credit: @zainabhomedeigns on Instagram

Whether you’re looking to fit a tiled patio or tiled doorsteps, the same principles apply when choosing which tiles to use. 

For any outdoor space, you can’t just stick any old tile outside and hope it does the job. Tiles for the outdoors need to be strong, durable and ready to face whatever the weather has to throw at them. Not to mention, they’re in a high traffic area so need to be able to withstand a lot of people walking over them. They also need to look great and not crack under intense sunlight, or become dangerously slippery on rainy days. 

So, with all of this in mind, let’s see what the best options are for your new outdoor space… 

Selecting the right tiles for your outdoor space

Image credit: @spaceshackldn on Instagram

Despite the tough criteria, there’s a great range of tiles that are perfect for outdoor spaces. Whether you end up opting for porcelain, quarry, slate or stone, if done correctly, you can be sure the end result will be stunning! 

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain is the go-to tile for any outdoor space. Because they are fired at extremely high temperatures, they are able to avoid freezing in the cold months and cracking in the intense heat. Also, with resistance to mildew and staining you won’t need to worry about their shiny new look fading away any time soon. 

Did we mention they’re super stylish too? Porcelain tiles come in a variety of colours, sizes and textures. The textures of the tiles mimic real stone, with some being nearly identical to the real thing, as well as making the surface slip-resistant. What more could you want from a tile?

Take a look at our range of porcelain tiles here: Porcelain Tiles 

Quarry tiles

If you’re after a more traditional look, quarry tiles will do the job. They are made from natural clay which makes them extremely dense, hard wearing and durable.

You can be sure to trust that quarry tiles will put up a very good fight against the elements, but will they look good when doing so? We say yes! They have a naturally deep, earthy reddish colour to them which gives a unique Mediterranean feel, and the variety of shapes of tiles on offer allows you to create interesting and eye-catching patterns.

Slate tiles

Rustic or contemporary, traditional or modern, the natural slate tile holds a timeless appeal which makes them perfect for almost any environment you put them in. The surface of slate tiles appears uneven, which gives a natural and organic look, but also makes them fairly slip-resistant too.

However, it’s important to be aware that extra care must come with slate tiles. Despite being a naturally dense material, slate isn’t great in freezing temperatures and, if not sealed properly, they can be easily scratched and absorb dirt and oils. 

But don’t let this put you off! When looked after correctly with a good quality natural stone cleaner, you can confidently install slate tiles and create a memorable and stunning outdoor space.

Take a look at our range of slate tiles here: Slate Tiles

Stone tiles

It’s fair to say that stone has passed the test of time with flying colours. It’s been used as a building material for thousands of years and is still popular today. There’s no real surprise why; it’s natural rustic finish creates wonderful spaces, with the unique patterns and grained finishes adding extra appeal and a naturally slip-resistant surface. 

However, just like the natural slate, stone needs to be looked after, too. It requires proper sealing with a good quality natural stone cleaner to ensure water and stains aren’t absorbed.

Take a look at our range of stone tiles here: Stone Tiles 

Which outdoor tiles do I choose?

Now that you have an idea of the most suitable tiles for your outdoor space you may be thinking, ‘they all sound amazing, but which one do I choose?’. The best step you can take next is to do your research. You’ve already completed stage one of your research by reading this article and understanding which tiles are best suited to your project, so now it’s time to get your creative juices flowing and find some inspiration on how you can create the outdoor space of your dreams using outdoor tiles. 

Look around, see what you like, and don’t rush! It’s not a cheap process so try and get it right first time!

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