The Trend Edit

All white

White has long been the choice of designers and homeowners looking for a clean, sophisticated look, and in its own way, it can be just as imaginative as bolder shades. Still a firm favourite with the style-conscious, whites are being remixed for the modern era with colour palettes broadening to include hints of grey and gentle marbles.

This trend is all about creating a sense of calm and spa-like tranquility, whilst adding elements of interest through textures and layering. White cannot survive on visual impact alone, it has to have a hidden agenda or angle. So, whether it’s combining matt and shine or natural and sculpted surfaces, white is the perfect colour to experiment with.

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Combine different shades and textures of white to create visual layers in your space. Asymmetrical surfaces work particularly well in white, so don’t be afraid to go bold with your accessories. Keep it sophisticated with a hint of marble, and aim for relaxing, spa-like vibes.

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